Custom activities to print documents from SharePoint workflows

Custom activities to print documents from SharePoint workflows

Use these unique workflow activities to print images, documents and web pages directly from a SharePoint workflow. These very popular actions offer a great method for obtaining required printed copies of documents automatically with all the necessary additions and settings.

SharePoint workflow prints documents

  • Print Document from SharePoint workflow *
    This workflow action is used to print specified document or image to a specified printer.

    List of supported formats:

    • Open XML Document (.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm)
    • Word 97-2003 Document (.doc, .dot)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
    • PDF (.pdf)
    • Web Page (.htm, .html, .mht, .mhtml)
    • Text documents (.xml)
    • Images (.jpg, .tif, .png, .gif, .bmp)
  • Set Printing Options
    This workflow action is used to specify page orientation, number of copies and pages to print.
  • Insert Watermark into PDF Before Printing - Discontinued since version 2.21 released on April 10, 2023
    This workflow action adds a watermark to PDF file, that will be printed by the action Print document that should follow after this action.

Learn more about printing feature in HarePoint Workflow Extensions.

Printing to PDF, including from InfoPath, is supported by the Document Conversion activities.

Don't miss the opportunity to evaluate SharePoint workflow printing activities along with 300 other workflow actions and conditions contained in the HarePoint Workflow Extensions free trial.

* Note: To use this action you must install HarePoint Printing Service and configure HarePoint Printing Service Application. See product manual for details.

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