SharePoint workflow activities for Active Directory

SharePoint workflow activities for Active Directory

The workflow actions and conditions from the group below can be used for various operations with Active Directory items (users, groups, Organizational Unit and their attributes) in your SharePoint workflows.

Active Directory activities

  • Add Member to Active Directory Group
    This workflow action is used to add one or several users or groups to specified Active Directory security or distribution group.
  • Change Active Directory Account Settings
    This workflow action is used to enable or disable a user account or to change its settings.
  • Change Active Directory Group Settings
    This workflow action is used to change the Active Directory group settings.
  • Change Local User Account Settings on Server
    This workflow action changes a local user account on a specified server.
  • Create Group in Active Directory
    This workflow action will create a new group in the specified Active Directory container.
  • Create Local User Account on Server
    This workflow action creates a local user account on a specified server.
  • Create Mail Contact in Active Directory
    This workflow action creates a new mail contact with specified parameters.
  • Create User in Active Directory
    This workflow action creates a new user account in a specified Active Directory container. The created account will be enabled, and you can disable the account and change its settings with Change Active Directory Account Settings.
  • Delete Contact from Active Directory
    This workflow action removes a contact from AD by specified email address.
  • Delete Group from Active Directory
    This workflow action will delete a specified security or distribution group from Active Directory.
  • Delete Local User Account from Server
    This workflow action deletes the specified local user account from the server.
  • Delete User from Active Directory
    This workflow action will delete a specified user from Active Directory.
  • Find Group in Active Directory
    This workflow action returns either the group logon name (if a group exists), or an empty string (if a group does not exist).
  • Find Objects in Active Directory by Query
    This workflow action is used to search for various objects in Active Directory.
  • Find User in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to find a SharePoint user in Active Directory and store the user's logon name in the output variable. The action returns an empty string if the user is not found in Active Directory.
  • Find User in Active Directory by Query
    This workflow action is used to find a user or group in Active Directory by specified query.
  • Get Active Directory Groups Where User is Member
    This workflow action will return the list of groups where specified user is a member.
  • Get E-Mails of Active Directory Group Members
    This workflow action returns the email addresses of an Active Directory group's members to an array variable.
  • Get Object's Attribute from Active Directory
    This workflow action will return the value of an object's specified Active Directory attribute.
  • Get Object's Multivalued Attribute from Active Directory
    This workflow action will return the multivalued attribute of the specified object in Active Directory.
  • Get User's Attribute from Active Directory
    This workflow action will return the value of a user's specified Active Directory user attribute.
  • Get User's Manager from Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to get a manager's display name for a specified Active Directory user or a group.
  • Get User's Multivalued Attribute from Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to get a multi-valued attribute of a specified Active Directory user.
  • Is User a Member of an Active Directory Group (HarePoint)
    This condition returns true if the specified user is a member of the specified Active Directory group.
  • Move User into Organizational Unit
    This workflow action is used to move a specified AD user into a specified AD organizational unit or container.
  • Remove Member from Active Directory Group
    This workflow action will remove a user or group from an Active Directory security or distribution group.
  • Set Active Directory Authentication (impersonate)
    This workflow action is used to specify AD credentials for all AD-related HarePoint activities (like Remove Member from Active Directory Group or Delete Group from Active Directory) in the current workflow step.
  • Set Local User's Password on Server
    This workflow action provides the capability to change the local user account password on a specified server.
  • Set Object's Attribute in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set an Active Directory attribute of a specified object.
  • Set Object's Multivalued Attribute in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set a multi-valued attribute for a specified AD object.
  • Set User's Attribute in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set an Active Directory attribute of a specified user.
  • Set User's Multivalued Attribute in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set a multi-valued Active Directory attribute for a specified user.
  • Set User's Password in Active Directory
    This workflow action is used to set the password for a specified Active Directory user.
  • Set User's Photo in Active Directory
    This workflow actions is used to set or remove a photo in the Active Directory user's profile (thumbnailPicture attribute).

The SharePoint workflow actions and conditions above are the part of HarePoint Workflow Extensions, which contains more than 320 new, ready-to-use workflow activities in 19 different groups. Note the 30-day trial of HarePoint Workflow Extensions is available for evaluation free of charge.

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