Demo sites for HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint

SharePoint Analytics demo site We invite you to the HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint demo-site, where the reports and features of the product can be tested in a production-type environment.

This demo environment is a SharePoint portal with one site collection where HarePoint Analytics is fully deployed. The portal is intended to show you the look and feel of the solution as well as its functionality. Any visitor can access the product and generate reports, test the filtering, grouping, and sorting, as well as try out all the other features.

I want to see all the reports and features of HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint: instant access without any additional actions.

For a free individual presentation of HarePoint Analytics with our team, just schedule a demo and our representatives will show you the product and answer your questions. This is the quickest and most efficient way to evaluate HarePoint Analytics. Or contact us with any questions you have and we will assist you promptly.

Our valued customers

HarePoint products are recognized by thousands of companies

  • L'Oreal
  • University of Oklahoma
  • Parmalat
  • Oklahoma Military Department
  • Foley Hoag LLP