HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online Video Tours

Quick Overview

A brief tour on main features and usage reports that are included in HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online.

How to Track Document and Page Usage in SharePoint Online

In this quick overview, learn how to find top content in your SharePoint Online environment. Advanced document and page usage reports from HarePoint Analytics will provide you with most accurate and detailed information about your tenant.

Find Outdated Files and Unused Pages in SharePoint Online

Searching for a way to find SharePoint documents that have remained unused for months or even years? Do you need to free up space in SharePoint storage? Follow this guide to create Unused Content Report and learn how to analyze file and page usage with HarePoint Analytics.

SharePoint Search Analytics: detailed reports and insights

In this video we will talk about Search Query Analytics and Reports in SharePoint Online. Search statistics in HarePoint Analytics is important feedback about what's happening on your portal: what users were searching; what results they got, did they find what they were looking for or not.

Obfuscate Personal Data in SharePoint Usage Reports

HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online allows data analysts to overview and work with data collected throughout the tenant, including users personal data. In some cases, the company policy might prohibit direct access to such sensitive data. Our product can obfuscate it in order to comply, without sacrificing report usefulness and functionality.

Our valued customers

HarePoint products are recognized by thousands of companies

  • Parmalat
  • Olswang LLP
  • Time Warner Cable
  • Somerset County Council
  • Wargaming Interactive